Miscellanea from Mark Rushing

Some Arguments to Keep Nuclear Power Plants Alive in the US

Science Energy

2023-06-02 07:42:17+00

I just read a piece in the Pacific Northwest National Laboratories (PNNL) Currents publication advocating an economic basis for maintaining and extending the life of nuclear power plants in the US.

Personally, I'm fine with nuclear power and have seen little to justify writing it off entirely, especially considering the climate issues we face.

Something to keep in mind when reading this piece is that currently the US generates almost 20% of its power from nuclear reactors. This represents about 778 billion kWh.

Consider also that France generates almost 70% of its electricity from nuclear plants, which represents about 361 billion kWh.

This is completely carbon-free energy.

Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Power Plants Could be Key to Decarbonization

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