NASA UAP Meeting 2023-05-31 Highlights
Science SpaceFor anyone curious about the NASA group studying the UAPs at their report, but didn’t want to sit through 4 hours of talking, but are still a little curious - not much new was said.
- They are recommending putting together intergovernmental groups to deal with data from their sources.
- They recognize the problem of divergent data formats and methods and the need to bridge/standardize for machine learning to identify anomalous things.
- Real-time targeting of sensor data also needs legal hurdles dealt with in government agencies turning them inward to the country.
- Completely open to citizen participation and NASA datasets/telemetry are publicly available.
- About 2-5% of things that were “unexplained” remain unexplained after their work so far.
- They’re going to seek funding for a NASA office to centralize collection for divergent sources and bring in international cooperation.